Tuesday Takeover: Meet Caley Kukla, M. Ed.

Where do you live in Palm Beach County?


How long have you lived here?

Born and raised! Left to attend UF for my degrees and lived four years in Asheville, NC. But came home as soon as we had our first, because we both knew we wanted to come “home” to raise babies!  

What do you love about living in Palm Beach County?

The water lifestyle. Flip-flops year round. Outside activities year round! And being close to family.

How many children do you have?

Two boys.

What are their ages?

6 & 3.

What is your job description?

Parent Coach & PLAY Project Consultant.

What is your favorite activity to do in Palm Beach with your family?

Cruising on the boat past the lighthouse. Something magical about looking at the lighthouse and turning around to see the inlet open up to the ocean. 

Best piece of parenting advice you have received:

Slow down. 

Slow down when they’re mad. 

Slow down when I’m mad. 

Slow down when I’m overwhelmed. 

Slow down when I’m uncertain. 

Very few things in life are as urgent as they feel