Superhero Saturday: Meet Beth Zigler of the Guardian ad Litem Program


Where do you live in Palm Beach County?

 I live in western Lake Worth.

How long have you lived here?

 I have lived in Florida since 1979 but moved to Palm Beach County in 1998.

What do you love about living in Palm Beach County?

 I love the community that I live in. We have been in the same house since moving to Palm Beach County in 1998. My sister and my parents live within 5 miles from my house.

What is your favorite activity to do in Palm Beach?

My favorite activity is to go walking around different areas or parks.  I also enjoy going to Delray Marketplace or Atlantic Ave. to eat and hang out with friends and family.  That has been curtailed since Covid; can not wait to go back to those things.

Do you have children (or fur children)?

I have three children. I have twins, a boy and girl, who are 17 and going to college next year, and a 14 year old who is in eighth grade.

What are their names and ages?

Twins, Gabriella and Landon (17) and Ethan (14).

What is your job description?

I am the Volunteer Recruiter for the Guardian ad Litem Program, I also work as a Child Advocate Manager for the Guardian ad Litem Program

Tell us a little bit about the Guardian ad Litem program and its purpose.

We are an impartial party who has been appointed by the court to speak up for the best interests of children who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned in dependency court hearings. 

What is something you love about what you do?

I feel as if our program is making a true difference and having a positive impact on children’s lives.  I have had many cases over the 6.5 years I have worked for the program. I have seen many families reunited, children adopted into loving families, and children who have aged out of foster care and are now doing very well in college.

Do you want to learn more about the Guardian ad Litem program in Palm Beach County? The next information session for volunteers is on February 17, 2021.