Last month I was introduced to a new Family Medical Practice in Wellington!
Grace Family Medicine is a direct primary care (DPC) practice. What is a direct primary care practice?
I honestly had no clue before I met with Jessica, a Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, who practices along side her father in law, who is a Board Certified Family Physician!
Here’s the gist: They don’t bill insurance, payment is strictly between patient and healthcare provider thereby removing the middle man, saving you money and allowing for a direct relationship between you and your provider. The way it used to be.
You actually pay a membership fee, similar to a gym membership. Once you are a member you get unlimited office visits, wholesale prices on in house labs and diagnostics, discounts on prescription medications, and a whole lot more.
Upon meeting Jessica, I immediately felt her warmth and her caring personality. She is a local mother of 2, so she understands the challenges of what we go through when a member of our family is sick. Get this, there are no waiting times! The practice limits the number of patients that have so they can truly spend quality time with each patient. As a mother of 3, sometimes I avoid taking one to the doctor because I have to pack up the other 2 and expose everyone to germs, plus sometimes waiting for an hour makes everyone want to lose their minds. Another amazing benefit about Grace Family Medicine is that a doctor is available to you through phone, email, text and even live video chat!
The office is warm and inviting. It shares a space with the nicest dermatologist too.
How cute is this little play area for your kids so they’re entertained while you’re chatting with the doctor?
Grace Family Medicine is a great option for families who own small businesses and still want great medical care but without the crazy insurance premiums. It is also perfect for those looking for more personal medical care, more attention from your doctor and a focus directed at wellness and prevention.
Check out this video that perfectly explains Direct Primary Care! And give Grace Family Medicine a call, they are more than happy to fill you in on their wonderful new practice.