So, do y’all remember that self-help book, The Secret, from around 2006? Well, I never actually read the book, but at a particularly low, unmarried, unattached, and unmotivated point in my 20’s I bought the DVD. So, nothing really changed for me after simply watching it one time, way back when.
Fast forward to 2015, one afternoon in May when I was folding a never-ending mountain of laundry. I was desperate for something to watch on television during this daunting task. Alas, Netflix, and that little documentary called The Secret. I kind of remembered it being interesting, so I watched it again. Only this time in my older and wiser state, I followed up with more conscious, positive thinking. The Law of Attraction, they called it in The Secret. And literally right after I turned off the tv, I made a vision board.
On a side note, my vision board wasn’t really going to be about money or bills as a main focus. However, The Secret talks a lot about bills coming in the mail or checks coming in the mail. If you constantly think about getting more bills, you will. And vice versa. I got an unexpected refund check for a medical payment for around $90.00 that very week. Spooky.
So, back to the vision board. I spent many years (15+) as a yearbook publishing representative, and through that career I learned the art of (very) amateur Adobe Photoshopping. My husband and I had been unsuccessfully trying for a second child for 3 years. Secondary infertility, I believe it’s called. That’s a blog in itself. When I was pregnant with my oldest back in November 2011, my husband and I had a photo taken for our Christmas card. Of course, the prego had to wear a tight shirt and have my belly very visible.
Above photo: Left is the original, and right is the version for my vision board with my daughter creepily lurking, not exactly the right lighting or skin tone. But guess what? THE NEXT WEEK I WAS PREGNANT. After stopping all fertility medications, etc., two months prior.
What else was on my board? A random photo of a curly haired little girl who slightly resembled my daughter, I found on Google Images looking down in a crib at her baby brother. (I have since searched to try to give this photo proper credit in this blog and found it on
Yep, I was pregnant with a son, and Wells Kevin Wedgworth was born in January 2016.
I had been dreaming and studying for several years about learning to do machine embroidery and applique. Much money was spent on Etsy after my daughter was born, on embroidered diaper covers and applique shirts for every holiday. Starting a home embroidery business was another dream/vision of mine. Naturally, it was on the board.
This is a photo of the Brother 6-needle embroidery machine that I put on the board. Five months after I made the board, October 2015, my husband bought me a Babylock 6-needle embroidery machine. Brother vs. Babylock is pretty much like Chevrolet vs. GMC. Tomato, toMAto. AKWedgworth Creative, my embroidery company was started part time, until later retiring from the yearbook business and doing embroidery full time (@akw_creative on Instagram, AKWedgworth Creative on Facebook,
What else was on the original board? A new white Suburban. That took me a little longer, but March 2017 I got it. The mom-bus is in full effect now.
Vision boards have to constantly evolve as you obtain/achieve your wishes, dreams and goals. After my son was born, I added a photo of myself in skinny, white, size 8 jeans. For me, that’s pretty good as I have spent most of my life as a size 10. Currently, I am wearing those white jeans, with room to spare.
Happy, healthy family is on the board.
In the words of Kim Zolciak Biermann from Bravo, yes the lady with the blonde wigs, “Ask, Believe, Receive.” Put it on the board!
Not only do you have to make a vision board. You also must picture yourself that way that you want to be. The way that you want to feel. Doing the things you want to do. Envision yourself and try to make yourself feel the way you want to feel. One of my dearest, oldest friends used to always say, fake it ’til you make it. Same concept.
There is one major thing from the original May 2015 vision board that I am still waiting on, though.
$25 million winner by end of 2017. I can see it now!