Vision Boards! (What are they and how you can use them in your next fun get-together event with some mom friends!)


Attention all crafty moms… get out your craft bins!!! (Non-crafty moms bring the wine and some magazines… you will be O.K. and love this!)

I don’t know about you, but celebrating the 100th day of school, I’m looking back at this month just exhausted. I feel like I’ve been running full speed in a race since back to school started after break in January. I could really use a moment to think about this New Year and whats ahead. And stop and take In the amazingness around me for a bit that I’ve been flying past this month. I used to think about this and set goals and resolutions in early January before I had kids. 

I think the months of January and February are the perfect times to host a vision board party! To reinforce your New Years resolutions/ goals you have for yourself, or maybe you didn’t set any goals recently and here’s your chance. 

I am not going to go over the whole history on vision boards, I want to get right to the point of how to make them! So you can just have fun and inspire. It’s about being grateful for what you have, setting goals and aspiring to achieve more and maintaining a positive outlook to attract what you desire. 

So, I am not an expert on vision boards, but I’ve hosted two vision board parties in the past and they were successes! My friends and I who attended agree that it was a fun get together for sure and it inspired us all with positive goals for ourselves. We all found that a lot of the things we put on our boards did come true for us.

These boards are just creating something tangible and visible each day to inspire us to stay focused on our goals we set for ourselves and have a positive mind set. I displayed my board in my closet where I walked past each morning to get dressed. I did also create an index card sized mini board to carry in my purse to look at from time to time.  Sometime us Moms have just so much going on in our minds and so many focuses other than ourselves. Vision boards are just a nice reminder to always, when we can, feel empowered to work towards our goals however and whenever. To try to keep a positive outlook and take some time for ourselves to be inspired, grateful and dream. And if all of this bores you, just know you can still just enjoy the time crafting and talking to friends and snacking, maybe even some wine. Ok, enough of this, here’s what you’ll need:

  •  Small or medium sized poster boards (I found mine at the dollar store and target, I prefer the black background foam boards, I did purchase some white boards too.) If they don’t have the size you like you can cut them down. 
  • Large index cards if you want to make a mini board. 
  • Markers, pens, glitter or paint pens, and pieces of crayons left from your kids! 
  • Any fun stickers, embellishments, gemstones, anything pretty to adorn your board with to promote happiness. 
  • You can pre-cut out inspirational words or quotes and sayings you love. (Any fellow Cricut Craft machine users in the house?! Nows your time to shine and be crafty!)
  • Magazines to cut images and words from. 
  • Scissors! Lots of scissors!
  • Glue sticks 
  • Snacks and possibly wine

A small but cute inspirational item to give away as a door prize (a small positive energy candle, a cute wine glass, coffee mug or essential oil maybe.) I hid an index card in one of the magazines with a star on it or a little star sticker under a glass or plate, the person that finds this would be the door prize winner! It was a lot of fun!

Now all you need is to set a date with some friends to get together! Have them bring some magazines and whatever items from above that they have on hand for decorating the boards. I seriously had one friend roll in a craft cart! 

This can be a kid friendly event, if you have a kids table set up with some washable crayons or markers so they can get crafty too. Or gathering the husbands or a sitter can be more relaxing for a fun moms night in! 

I came across this quote recently on a bath and body works sanitizer bottle: “Don’t quit your daydream.” I just thought that was so uplifting and deep for a little sanitizer bottle! Just wanted to share that! 

Happy vision board crafting! 

This article was originally published on Palm Beach Mom Collective on February 4, 2019.
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Kim Ballejo
Originally from Long Island, New York, Kim Ballejo first moved to Florida as a college student, fell in love with Palm Beach and never left. After college, Kim worked in Diagnostic Imaging for over 10 years and is now a married, stay at home mom with two daughters, ages 4 and 6. She loves to write about experiences in motherhood, exploring new and fun things to do with the kids, and connecting with the amazing moms in the community. Kim also enjoys crafting, working out at Orange Theory Fitness, shopping, make-up, fashion, movies, massages, facials, moms nights out, date nights, going on family cruises and everything Disney!!! If you see her in target, say hello... but if you catch her cutting the car line at the school just look the other way! Kim is a contributor for Palm Beach Moms Blog and you can follow her on Instagram @kimballejo


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