As a long-time stay at home mom, for many years I've longed to find a way to work from home to supplement our family's income. Though I tried searching, I just never found the "right" opportunity. Although many of...
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  As women, breast cancer is something that we all think about. If we haven't been personally affected odds are that a family member or a friend has been. Breast cancer is the most...

Let Them Be Messy

Kids love to be messy. At least mine do. I have found that some of my favorite mommy moments have been getting involved in messy sensory play. At times I cringe as the shaving cream goes flying or the...

My Ectopic Pregnancy

According to the Mayo Clinic, an ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants and grows outside the main cavity of the uterus. Pregnancy begins with a fertilized egg. Normally, the fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. An...
Last year, a mom from a local online mom’s group requested recommendations on where to go for a kid-free girl’s getaway. 60 of the 81 moms who responded suggested wine country or another option centered around alcohol. As moms...
It's October and you know what that means, fall family fun! We have put together a list of our favorite pumpkin patches across the county!   Let us know if you have any more that you love! Bedner’s Farm Fresh Market 10066 Lee...
As a teacher who spent seven years in an elementary classroom, and four years in a preschool classroom, I was no stranger to working with kids with developmental delays. I sat in my fair share of parent/teacher conferences and...
We’ve all heard of the terrible twos, and though tantrums are a normal part of development for one to five years old. We all hope for our child it is later than one and over well before five, but...
I am somewhat of a fighter by nature.   I don't mean physical fighting-  Thankfully I’ve never had to throw a real punch.  I’m talking about emotional and mental battles.  My parents modeled strength during adversity, and I learned from...

Hurricane Soup

The second the news starts warning Palm Beach County about a possible hurricane we all run to the store and stock up on all the canned goods we can get our hands on. That is what happened this past...

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In + Around Palm Beach

SeaWorld Orlando

Just a short drive or Brightline ride from Palm Beach County, SeaWorld is a perfect choice for a family visit! Conservation SeaWorld is an accredited zoo...