My husband is extremely organized. When he hangs a picture frame on the wall, he uses a level; and when he does a home improvement project, precise calculations come into play. So of course, when he does jobs around the house, he has a very specific way of doing them! One of these time-saving tricks he has mastered since we got married, is loading the dishwasher a certain way (I’m a lucky wife!) I do it, too, and some of our friends have started trying it, themselves.
He puts each category of silverware—forks, knives, spoons, and serving utensils—into their own separate compartment in the silverware rack in the dishwasher. I was skeptical at first. Wouldn’t the spoons and forks all nest together, and not get cleaned? Not so, he told me. The water that cleans the dishes sprays from the bottom of the dishwasher (who knew?), so the small pieces get moved around anyway. And, best of all, when you unload the dishwasher, no more sorting each individual butter knife and teaspoon. Just pick up all of the forks or spoons with one hand, empty them into the drawer, and there you go!