Spring may conjure images of rain showers and flowers in bloom, but for public school kids spring-time also means testing season. As a former teacher and a mom of elementary and middle school children, I can attest to the fact that standardized testing days can be both boring and stressful for kids. While I would prefer for my children to not be subjected to the boredom and anxiety of standardized testing, I can’t control this aspect of their education. Instead, I do what I can do to brighten their days and send them to school with my love.
Each year, I create a series of treat bags for my school-age kids, one bag for each day of testing. The bags are simple white lunch sacks or gift bags. I break out my favorite markers and use plain index cards to write cute notes that correspond with the treat of the day. My notes are (something like “You’re on a roll!” with fruit roll ups as the treat). You can find printable notes online, but I like the personal touch of a hand-written note. Creating my own also allows me the flexibility to tailor the notes and treats to my children’s tastes and interests. While my kids would be happy with a bag full of candy, I don’t want to inundate them with sugar. I try to keep the treat part small and then include a healthy snack.
I send bags to my step-daughters who live out of state, so I am somewhat limited in my options. My bags can’t include perishables or anything that will melt. Most people won’t have to work around those logistics, though, and can really be creative and find treats that will brighten their children’s days. Including perishable foods also opens opportunities for nutritious options. The sky is the limit, as long as you pick items that aren’t too messy. A test booklet covered in pudding is a bad idea and won’t earn you any points with your child’s teacher.
To be completely honest with you, I probably spend more time on this project each year than I should. From decorating the bags to writing the notes to shopping for the perfect treats, creating 20 test day treat bags (five bags for each of four kids) is quite the undertaking. I continue this tradition each year, though, and actually enjoy doing so because I think my children deserve it. They work hard all year studying and doing homework. The least I can do is send a little love and encouragement their way.