As a wife, and as a couples therapist, I am always looking for fun and interesting date night ideas. It’s too easy for my husband and I to give a run to Publix together the title “date night.” On my instagram, @MarriageCouch, I post some of these date night ideas.
Here are some of my favorites:
- Slow dance with your partner tonight. Surprise them with a song that will mean something to them.
- Go to the mall with $5 each. See who can come up with the best gift for the other person.
- Make a bunch of pudding together. Then take it outside for a pudding fight. Rinse off with a hose!
- Sketch out your dream house floor plan together. Decide what you’ll put in each room.
- Wear a light shirt. Spray each other with water guns filled with water and food coloring. You can play with other couples or against each other. You’re only out when you are sprayed on the front and back.
- Go to a convenient store together and see if you can guess each other’s favorite chips, candy, and drink. Have a picnic afterwards and each present the choices you got for your partner.
- Go to an open safe space. Blindfold your partner and have them walk around using only your voice as their guide. Give them a small task to accomplish, like stacking cups into a pyramid. They are only allowed to do exactly what you tell them. This takes trust! Then switch the blind fold.
- Go to multiple fast food drive thru’s. Each of you are only allowed to choose one item from each stop.
- Donate blood together. You might score free movie tickets!
- Search Youtube for “couples workouts.” Try them. Then laugh about “reality” versus “expectation”.
Feel free to follow me on Instagram: @MarriageCouch for more fun date night ideas!