When my husband’s brother moved to Italy for three years, I knew we would try to visit. Who could resist and opportunity to visit the most beautiful countries in the world? When the time came to commit to the vacation of a lifetime, though, my anxiety over leaving my children nearly derailed our entire trip. My husband’s persistent encouragement got us back on track, though, and I am so glad I took the opportunity to go to Italy with my husband. Whether you spend two weeks overseas or two days in Tampa, my best mom advice is that if you have the opportunity to travel with your significant other, take the trip!
For Your Sanity, Go!
Taking a vacation sans kids offers moms the chance to sleep late, take long showers, and eat meals that someone else cooked. We all need opportunities like this to recharge our batteries so that we can return home to conquer potty training, science fair projects, and trying to convince our children that vegetables aren’t poisonous. If you’re feeling guilty about getting away and taking time for yourself, remember that everyone in the family benefits from this parents-only getaway because a relaxed and well-rested mom is always better than a sleep deprived, harried mom.
For Your Marriage, Go!
No matter how hard we try to be good partners to our significant others, children always manage to come first (and second and third . . . ). Taking a break from parenting duties allows you the opportunity to focus on your marriage. Enjoy a few days remembering your life together before kids, what about this person made you fall in love, and why you decided to make a lifetime commitment to each other. While taking time away from kids can feel self-indulgent, your children will benefit from seeing their parents in a strong, healthy, and loving marriage.
For Your Kids, Go!
When my husband and I went to Italy, we left them in the care of our parents. I honestly believe that the experience of spending time with the grandparents without having my husband and me at home was just as important an experience for them as the vacation was for us. Children should know how loved they are, not just by mom and dad, but by grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and so forth. I can think of no better way for my children to bond with their grandparents than to spend extended time together. Are your children’s caretakers going to parent your kids exactly the way you would? Absolutely not! Relax, though. It’s only a short time. Even if they eat Happy Meals and forget to brush their teeth every single day that you’re gone, it’s not going to kill them (or you). All will return to normal as soon as you’re home. Your children can enjoy quality time with their grandparents (or whomever you’ve managed to con into taking care of your kiddos). As long as you have someone trustworthy in your life that is also willing to spend a few days with your kids, the experience can be as rewarding for them and your children as your trip was for you.
For All of Your Tomorrows, Go!
Not only is having a healthy marriage important today, the strength of my future marriage is also pretty valuable. Couples often divorce after their children leave for college because they fail to maintain their relationship during their child rearing years. I want to work daily to maintain a healthy relationship with my husband now so that we continue to be happily married when we’re older. When we become empty nesters, I want my mind to be filled with memories of dating, traveling, and the countless adventures we’ve had together through the years. Rather than looking across the table and saying “Who are you?” to a person who has become a stranger due to years of putting the children first, I want to look at my husband and say, “Remember the time we went to Italy and you were the teacher’s pet in our pasta-making class?” or “Remember that drive down the Amalfi Coast that was so beautiful but so terrifying that I had to ride with my hands over my eyes?” Vacationing together can be an excellent way to ensure a healthy future as a couple.
For Your Child’s Addiction to Kinder Surprise Videos on YouTube, Go!
Last but certainly not least, if your child is as addicted to Kinder Surprise videos as my toddler is, you’re acutely aware of the fact that the delicious chocolate eggs are illegal in the United States. If your travel takes you anywhere other than the United States, you’ll likely find Kinder Surprise eggs. Stock up. When you return home, you will be the Super Mom you always wanted to be.
my kids love the kinder-egg-surprise videos! thanks for the article!
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