When you’re a mom, especially to younger kids, the weekends tend to lose a little bit of luster. Saturday mornings are no longer about luxuriously sleeping in (or sleeping off your fun Friday night). Gone are the days of brunch with the girls, relaxing poolside with a good book, and spur of the moment date nights with your man. Instead, weekends are a frenzied forty-eight hours spent squeezing in housework and grocery shopping between play dates and birthday parties. Moms do a lot of things on the weekend, but relaxing isn’t usually one of them.
A few months ago I decided that if I was going to look back on this time in my life and remember anything other than being busy, I was going to have to be intentional about taking time on the weekends to relax, have fun, and make memories with my kids. Which is how I ended up on the floor of the Lululemon store in the Gardens Mall at 8:00 in the morning, the Saturday before Mother’s Day.
Actually, my kids and I were at a yoga class, called the Mother’s Day Flow. Lululemon graciously sponsored and hosted the class. When I first considered signing up, I have to admit I was a little intimidated. The only yoga I’ve done over the past 7 years is the various shapes and configurations into which I contort myself as I attempt to slither out of my little girl’s room without waking her. And while I do know my way around the gym, I’ve been slacking a bit lately. “Namaste home today,” has been my mantra the past few months.
Still, this sounded like an opportunity for us to get out of our normal weekend rut and make some mother/daughter memories on Mother’s Day weekend. So I shook the dust and dog hair off my long-neglected yoga mat and off we went.
The class was full of super fit mamas (one of them a lifelong gymnast!). Instead of feeling out of place though, I felt welcomed, energized, and inspired by their dedication to fitness, and some truly amazing arms!
We were led by the stunning Holly Miller Weston, owner of Haute Yoga. Holly was joined by her animated and adorable four year old daughter, who was basically a mini yogi in her aqua tights and tank. She seriously looked as though she was professionally styled for the event, and she clearly loved being up at the front of the class leading with her mom.
As we warmed up, and then began moving through stretches and salutations, I felt my tensions from the week easing. Some poses came naturally, as my body recognized and remembered moves from many yoga classes taken years ago.
Others were more challenging, like whatever we’re doing here:
My kids were mesmerized. They followed Holly’s every move, and mimicked the best they could.
Every once in a while I would glance over and see them bending, twisting, balancing, and grinning ear to ear.
Relaxing? Check!
Having fun with the kids? Check!
Making memories? Double check!
After the class the staff at Lululemon brought out refreshments, including fruit, pastries, water, and juice. As we mingled and munched, we were able to peruse some of Lululemon’s “ivivva” collection. Ivivva is a whole line of athletic wear and accessories created by Lululemon, just for young girls, sizes 6 to 14. There is an ivivva (and no, it’s not capitalized) store at the Boca Town Center Mall, but you can also shop online. While I didn’t purchase anything in the store that day, I did sign up for their email list. I’m keeping an eye out for some yoga pants and sporty tanks for the girls, so the next time we take a class with Miss Holly, they’ll be able to dress the part!
I cannot overstate how gracious and kind the staff and the manager of the Lululemon were. Before we left, they gave each child a white carnation to present to their mother as a Mother’s Day gift.
My kids somehow ended up with three each. Walking in that day, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. I walked out with a small bouquet, a smile on my face, a new Lululemon yoga mat to replace my dusty, hairy one, and a Mother’s Day memory to cherish for years to come.
Namaste, my friends.
So good and true every time!
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