I am super excited that my first OFFICIAL Mother’s Day is right around the corner! You know, one where I don’t have a belly sticking out so far I can’t see my feet and I am moving slow as molasses in winter. The conversation came up during our budget meeting, with my husband, asking what he could buy me for Mothers Day. I laughed. I literally laughed.
Because theres nothing I want more than things that can’t be purchased.
Before you say “Aww, how sentimental!” hold your horses! I’m getting truthful here before I’m getting tenderhearted. Here’s what THIS girl (and so many of us mamas) want for Mothers Day!
- Sleep. I haven’t slept in in ohh..about a year. Sleep is the BEST gift!
- Dishes and laundry to disappear. Those two are my LEAST favorite chores. Help a mama out!
- No cooking for a day. Takeout? Dads and kiddos cook? Whatever it may be, the answer is YES!
- A babysitter set up for a few hours so I can just. go. be. alone. Seriously. Alone time is needed, and not selfish, but smart!
- A babysitter set up for a few hours so I can go be with my girlfriends without distractions. Aaaannddd have an adult conversation along with an adult beverage.
- Car wash. For all those sticky crumbs and sippy cups that keep piling up.
- Breakfast in bed. Ahh to be served. And drink a hot coffee.
Im laughing because its easy to tell I have a love language of “acts of service.” If that is totally not your thing, check out this article by Gary Chapman the author of the five languages for mothers day gifts that are more your style!
All these gift ideas are FREE and totally can be done by dads and kids that are a bit older! What are you mommas out there asking for Mother’s Day?