2020 is (obvi) not our typical year. While we sit here bummed over cancelled parties, graduations and sporting seasons, wondering if we’ll get away at all this summer, and slogging day by day through the giant pause on many fun parts of life so many of us are experiencing, there is one thing – ONE THING – that is definitely still happening. A small glimmer to get us to the other side of Week #43,023 (ok, Week 8).
And that special little light somewhere along this tunnel, my friends, is Mother’s Day.
I started looking forward to this sacred holiday a few weeks ago. “If I can just make it to May 10th,” I told myself, “I’ll get a break.” (Cue all the daydreams.) Usually I’m excited to get dressed up for a special meal out, a sweet gift from my husband and artwork from the kids. This year, all I want is a break.
Wondering if I was the only one with such basic wishes, I asked some mama friends what THEY were looking forward to or hoping for on Mother’s Day this year. The resounding answer echoed my own sentiments: A BREAK.
And what does that look like, if we’re talking specifics? Here are a few thoughts – feel free to share this article with your partner or old-enough children, if they seem to need any direction.
A Break From Being the Chef
Someone else has to know how to make or order food. All the meals, please, along with her favorite dessert.
A Break From Being the Teacher
Sounds easy, being that it’s a Sunday. Go above and beyond and help tee up some of the work or projects for the week ahead if you can!
A Break From Being the Housekeeper
Don’t just encourage her to not clean today. DO the cleaning, laundry and dishes so it’s not all just waiting for her on Monday. Kids might even think this is fun while Dad is divvying out jobs instead of Mom for a change!
A Break From Being the Planner
Take a stab at meal planning and the associated grocery list for the week, think of a few activities to occupy the kids…and appreciate that there’s quite a bit less planning right now while there are no formal activities.
A Break From Being the Peacekeeper
Whether it’s your traditional role or not, do whatever is in your power to keep the bickering and fist fights to a minimum today. Bribery is not off limits.
A Break From the Noise
See above with the bickering. And just get everyone out of the house for at LEAST an hour, more if you can.
A Break From the Touching
Just a few hours of space, please and thank you.
A Break From Thinking
Whether she escapes with books, music, yoga, gardening, art…dedicate time for her to focus on something she loves.
Each of these “breaks” on their own sound pretty simple, but all of them? And all day? It’s not easy. But please, please, please try.
And while you’re giving her a break from all the hats she wears on a daily basis, make sure that she has NO BREAK from feeling appreciated, loved and adored by her family.
And that goes for every day.