It’s Marriage Monday at PBMB. We are focusing on our marriages and putting in the work that we deserve. It is quite common for couples to come in my office and tell me they have grown apart over the years, while kids, extracurriculars, and work have kept them busy. Making your relationship a priority is not selfish. It’s actually selfless when your children use YOUR marriage as a guiding compass for what they would like their own relationships to look like (or not look like) one day. The best way to teach your children is by example. Make your date night a weekly priority. John Gottman, a world recognized couples scientist, has recently posted a new challenge and book on his website emphasizing an 8 week Date Challenge. He encourages taking at least one date night per week for 8 weeks straight. Here are some date nights listed from my Instagram account @MarriageCouch to spark some ideas for you and your love!
Date Night Ideas
- Go horseback riding. In Palm Beach County, you can find some really inexpensive options.
- Wake up early enough to watch the sunrise together.
- Google historical local sites and visit them together.
- Jump at a trampoline park.
- Lip-sync battle (singer can hear their voice) or headset battle (headset on their head and they can’t hear their voice).
- Watch television on mute and dub the voices for the characters. Cartoons and soap operas are prime for this.
- Take an online quiz together: Search Gottman or Love Languages.
- Geocache together. Use it as an excuse to explore your city together.
- Get a canvas, paint, and brushes. Create a piece of art together and hang it in your home. No need for perfection. Just create.
- Strip Poker. Enough said.
Best wishes on focusing on the love of your life. You both deserve it. Give your spouse the best of you, not the rest of you!