I have been a stay-at-home mom now for almost a year. My husband and I decided to I should stay home after my second was born because let’s face it preschool is EXPENSIVE! Before staying home, I was a working mom with my first, so I have had my share of both worlds. For some reason these “mom wars” continue over who has it harder and let me tell you, I face similar challenges and concerns staying at home as I did working.
My biggest challenge lately is, am I doing enough? Which when I was working ,I faced this same challenge as in was I putting enough of me into work and enough at home. Now I know I am doing enough I am caring for my kids (the biggest job), cooking, cleaning, loads of laundry, grocery shopping, teaching my children, caring for a dog, finding time to work out and write for this blog. So, when you look at it from the outside, yes, I am doing a lot. But there are some days I wonder should I be doing more and there are other days where I am overwhelmed with the “things” I need to get done.
When I was working, I always envied the moms that got to stay at home with their kids. I always felt I couldn’t give 100% of me at work and 100% of me at home. I often came home feeling guilty for getting easily frustrated with my daughter just because I had a difficult day at work. I would spend my free time looking at pictures of her on my phone wondering what I was missing. I spent time away from my daughter teaching and loving other people’s children. There were days I would wonder should I be home?
The point of this blog is if you are feeling down for staying home, that you are paying loans for a degree that you are not currently using, or if you’re feeling down for working that you have to go to one more meeting and now pick your child up late. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Motherhood can be lonely and whether you’re working or staying home, this is just one season of your life. Enjoy what you have, you are doing enough, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.