First I need to say, I have both breast and formula fed my babies. I embrace and support both formula and breastmilk mommas. This fun article is just a list of things a breast feeding momma may have experienced. It can be fun to look back and reminisce these moments or maybe it’s your all too familiar current situations on the daily, something you may soon experience yet ahead, or something you may have just witnessed. Funny, painful, interesting, challenging, confusing, new, rewarding, so much work, so much joy are the moments of breastfeeding. Please comment below anything you’d like to add to the list or numbers of the ones you have encountered! Also, feel free to share any breastfeeding milk moment stories you may have below. Tag a breastfeeding momma! Formula feeding mommas, please share any formula feeding momma moments you might have below too!! Enjoy!
- That interesting first milk ( yellowish color of Colostrum.)
- First time using that pump.
- Learning the latch and hold positions, finding your best one.
- Having like 4 strangers squeezing your boobs to help you get the latch, (bless their hearts though, thank God for them!)
- Your first nursing bra, cami, dress, pj set and hands free breastfeeding/pumping gear. Amazing these are all available!
- Dry-cracked and/or bleeding nipples.
- Nipple fissure anyone. (like a paper cut).
- Seeing babies feeding cues.
- That post-feed “Milk-drunk” look the baby sometimes has.
- Pumping milk, realize bottle not attached!
- “Nip-Lash,” I don’t know who first came up with this term to give them credit, but ouch you would all remember this one! (When baby suddenly turns head while still latched!)
- Plugged duct
- The glory of when a plugged duct finally clears. May you all not have to experience that one or too often.
- That maple syrup like smell of some of the lactation teas and supplements.
- That wonderful oxytocin surge you feel when bonding and feeding your baby.
- Your first spill of that precious “Liquid Gold” breastmilk you worked hard to pump out.
- That time your kid decided to just stop nursing, just left your boob hanging out, unlatched for all to see!
- A kind smile, encouraging words or pat on the back from a stranger or friend who’s proud and supportive of your journey.
- Frustration and sadness when your milk dries up a little, a lot or for good.
- When you fill a pump bottle for the first time.
- Finding your fave breastmilk freezer bags and building your freezer stash.
- Finding out that you can order jewelry made out of your breastmilk, (some people are grossed out and some are excited! yes its a thing!)
- When your milk looks a different color some days, breast milk is amazing! Does your milk have a distinct smell?
- When a stranger or friend tells you that you “Must have Chocolate or strawberry milk in there!”
- When someone tells you that the “La Leche League should give you a medal,” this can be annoying if they are saying this because they think its time for you to stop breastfeeding already.
- Weaning, baby decided or mom decided, both can be freeing yet hard.
- Leaky nipple marks on your clothes. (Thank goodness for those nipple pads.)
- Hands free breastmilk collection devices for your bra! Comment below on what you think of any of those! I didn’t have many available when I was feeding and pumping.
- Lactation consultants! They provide amazing support and great wisdom!
- Let down milk sprays!
- That time the baby popped off your breast and couldn’t get back on due to the milk spraying all directions at them, on you and across the room! So amazing to see that! So much milk can spray out at same time from so many ducts! Wild!
- That time you tried to venture off, but forgot your pump! or a pump piece! or didn’t get to your pump break on time, uncomfortable milk fullness.
- That face of your happy, content baby with a belly full of milk.
- When your partner/significant other uses breastfeeding terms and techniques and shares their gained knowledge!
- Transitioning to a bottle. Comment on your favorite bottle that works best for you and your baby. So many new great ones to share.
- The many uses of breastmilk, there’s recipes online for making lotions etc. I’ve used some to help when my baby had a plugged tear duct and a patch of eczema.
- Struggling with your supply or having a super supply. Both can be hard.
- Lactation support groups and friends that make this experience your best journey. Laugh, learn, grow and relate.
- That time that you ran back to the time clock at work, then remembered to look down and make sure your shirt was back on! Hopefully it was!
- When you ate that spicy taco and possibly gave your kid green poop!
Latch you later Mommas!
***World Breastfeeding Week is The Week of August 1st 2019***