It’s back to school time! This year is unique for me. My son will be starting VPK and my daughter is heading off to PreK-2. What does this mean….some FREEDOM for this Mama. Of course part of me is sad that my babies are growing up and are ready for this next chapter, but another part of me is ecstatic! The idea of having three mornings a week where I have four hours to myself seems so foreign. For the last four years, my life has revolved around my children and their needs and schedules. So what am I going to do with this new found me-time?
Schedule Appointments
Trying to schedule appointments when you are a stay at home mom with a husband who works 60+ hour weeks is exhausting. It usually involves calling to make the appointment. Call my husband and see if he can be home. He can’t. Call my mom and see if she can watch the kids. Nope, she’s busy. Babysitter…not available. Call the office back and change the appointment. Rinse and repeat. The idea of having set days where I can implement some self-care without trying to coordinate childcare is so exciting.
Grocery Shop
We all know that grocery shopping with a two-year-old and four-year-old can be about as painful as childbirth. The arms reaching from the cart trying to grab things. Accidentally knocking over displays. Begging for a cookie from the bakery. Wanting to be in charge of the list and in turn making confetti. By the end of the trip, I am just ready for a nap (and maybe a drink). So while it’s not a glamorous idea, I’m just ready to wander the aisles of the grocery store all by myself.
Again, this isn’t a glamorous idea, BUT, I can actually clean a room of my house without my Hurricane and Tornado wreaking havoc in the next room. I can finally declutter some of the toys in the playroom without my children insisting that they LOVE that toy they haven’t touched in six months. My house may actually be clean for an hour or two! Maybe.
Whatever I Want
With two young kids, my house is NEVER quiet. Don’t get me wrong, I love the chaos, however, at times it can be exhausting. So while my kids are in school, I plan on getting done the things that need to get done, but also enjoy some time for ME. I can listen to my music or Podcasts, watch my TV shows, read a book (something I desperately miss since having kids), and maybe even have coffee with a friend.
So while I will miss my babies more than anything while they are in school, I also know that this is where they need to be. They are ready. They attend an absolutely phenomenal preschool with some of the most kind and caring people I have ever met. They are playing. They are learning. They are socializing. They are learning to broaden their circle of trust. Life lessons I can’t give them within our four walls. I will not feel guilty about taking some time for myself as well and when 1:00 p.m. rolls around, they will run into my arms with smiles on all our faces and we can share some real quality time.