Tuesday Takeover: Meet Melissa Moran of Swingly Toys


Where do you live in Palm Beach County?

I live in Wellington.

How long have you lived here?

I’ve lived in Wellington for 10 years.

What do you love about living in Palm Beach County?

I love the all the wonderful parks and museums that we have in our county.  We love food and PBC has such a wonderful variety of unique flavors to choose from. 

How many children do you have?

I have 2 kids.

What are their ages?

Soon to be 9 and a 7 year old.

What is your job description?

By day I am a Sr. Brand Manager, but my passion and side hustle is being an entrepreneur and launching Swingly Doorway Playhouses.

What is your favorite activity to do in Palm Beach with your family?

Now that the kids are riding their bikes, we love exploring all the beautiful park around Palm Beach County.

Best piece of parenting advice you have received:

Cherish the little moments because those are the ones that matter most and you’ll miss the most!