Superhero Saturday: Meet Mrs. Chani Ezagui of The Kind Kitchen of Palm Beach

The Kind Kitchen1

Where do you live in Palm Beach County?

I live in Palm Beach Gardens.

How long have you lived here?

I grew up in Brooklyn, New York and moved here right after I had my eldest son, 33 years ago.

What do you love about living in Palm Beach County?

As a Brooklyn girl, I have to love the weather, spacious living, and kind people living here in Palm Beach. 

Do you have children (or fur children)?


If so, what are their names and ages?

I am blessed with 10 children spanning from ages 16 – 33 years old and even more grandchildren. I may take a few paragraphs just going through all of them!

What is your job description?

I am the founder and director of The Kind Kitchen of Palm Beach.

Tell us a little bit about your organization and its mission.

The Kind Kitchen is a 501c3 organization dedicated to doing kindness to whomever, whenever. The Kind Kitchen is run out of the Jewish Community Synagogue and delivers over 1000 meals a month to the elderly, homebound, Holocaust survivors, and anyone who may be in need. Due to Covid-19, The Kind Kitchen was approached with a massive influx of people, who were in major need of support and have since tripled the number of meals being delivered weekly.

What is your favorite activity to do in Palm Beach?

I love to spend time with my family – either exploring the beautiful places in Palm Beach or with a backyard bonfire on a nice winter night.
